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Refreshing my home server

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I have a PC that’s always on. It hosts my media, my photos, my videos, my RAW files, my backups, and a few other things.

Some call it a homelab, some call it a server, some call it a NAS. In the end, it’s just another PC.

Let’s quickly review the hardware, the software, and the services I run on it.



Until now, I had two machines. One was dedicated to storage and had a very old Intel dual core CPU, the other was dual Xenon 2U server I bought from Yahoo auction for cheap.

When my son was born, I got rid of the 2U server because of the noise and size.

I tried moving all my apps to the storage servers but many died in the process of scaling down.

Then a few months ago, TrueNAS Scale decided to kill its services stack again, and I had to re-install everything anyways.

I therefore shunked my old workstation to get a shiny Ryzen 5800X out and bought a new motherboard with enough SATA ports for my 6 drives.

Then I discovered that some B550 motherboards don’t let you use both NVMe drives and all 6 SATA ports. It’s usually in the fine prints.

So I spent hours finding another motherboard. I settled on another B550 motherboard as it sucks up 5W compared to the ~15W of the X570.

It had the same issue. Written absolutely nowhere in the product page, with not as much as a single asterisk, my second rebuild was a failure.

I got an X570 motherboard. It booted and saw my disks. I was awash with joy.


While I was at it, I decided to scale up to 10G networking locally. PCIe 10G SFP+ cards are extremely cheap (<$20) and switches are not that expensive either.

But getting 10G on my Macbook Pro was a pain so I settled on a mixed 2.5G/10G networking setup.

And yes I max out my local network all the time as I take way too many photos of my beautiful son and backup the RAW files.

It only took me 30 hours to select a switch + AP combo and deciding against getting a new router. I listened to my network engineers friends and got a Mikrotik managed switch with a Ubiquiti AP:

It worked… Except the switch was loud. Very loud. On my desk. In the living room.

I modded it with a Noctua fan. Better.

Then I realized I could have bought a cheap unmanaged switch that also had 10G SFP+ ports and 2.5G ethernet ports, but with integrated PoE and fanless… For a quarter of the price. Apparently, network engineers don’t look at the prices of their equipment.

Networking is funny. When a specific form factor + size gets popular and chinese manufacturers start making it, prices drop like a rock.

So I sold my Mikrotik switch on Mercari. For a profit, because they’re very hard to find in Japan. Maybe I should become a reseller?

I was ready to boot.

OS, storage, and orchestration


When I had two machines, I used Proxmox. It worked great.

Scaling down to one machine, I tried TrueNAS Scale. It was a disaster for anything that wasn’t storage.

So I’m back on Proxmox. The Proxmox VE Helper-Scripts repo is a big part of it.

Run PVE Post Install, create a Docker LXC, and you’re good to go.


I use ZFS. I had to choose between:

  • Managing ZFS directly in PVE and bind mounting the datasets to the containers

    • SMB shares and rclone get their own LXC and manual config
  • Using disks passthrough to a TrueNAS Scale VM

    • Great SMB and disk management interface
    • rclone integration

I really disliked my experience with TrueNAS Scale so I went with the first option.

Been working fine so far. SMB was a bit of a pain to setup but it’s working.


To manage my apps, over the years I tried:

  • Direct docker commands
  • One big docker compose file
  • Multiple stacks
  • Single node kubernetes
  • Actual kubernetes

I knew Docker Swarm was pretty good now and I wanted to give it a shot, but then I heard of komodo.

It looked like the right level of abstraction and automation for me, so I gave it a shot.

After a little bit of tweaking I got it to be work and be fully automated. I now have a kaos-stack private repo with my apps and any push to the main branch triggers a redeploy.

Plus, cool interface:

Komodo interface


Finally, the meat of the server. I run a few services:


  • Cloudflare Zero Trust Tunnels to give outside access to my apps
    • Setup was painless, it works great with having my DNS there, and it was an order of magnitude simpler than setting up an Nginx reverse proxy with open ports
  • The rrr stack to download and manage content I can access legally otherwise
    • Yes I still have a Netflix subscription, I just like to have a local copy like in the good old days
  • Immich as a Google Photos replacement
    • I could make a full blog post of my hate for Google Photos but it is now in the adversarial design stage: it makes regular choices that makes it worse for its users
    • And Immich is great for videos, where I software trancode them to HEVC in the medium profile to take only a few MBs while keeping great visual clarity
  • Cronicle to manage my cron jobs (rclone backups, zfs snapshots, etc)
  • Resilio Sync to have access to all my files anywhere
    • Not perfect, but still better than Nextcloud Files
    • I’m looking for a better alternative that supports selective sync, is fast, and has a good mobile app. Maybe SpaceDrive one day?

As I’m moving soon, I have not setup Home Assistant again. But it’s next.